Shogun Kennels is pleased to offer a unique opportunity for bird hunting enthusiasts: a litter of pure Scandinavian bred Gordon setters.
For several years, my friend and client, Dave Thomas, and I have hunted grouse and capercaillie in the Swedish forests and mountains. We have been privileged to hunt over amazing Gordon setters. One, named Buzz, is the all-time winningest dog in Norwegian forest hunt tests, tests that included German short haired pointers. Buzz hunts the entire day, ranges well, holds point nicely, and retrieves each and every bird to hand. Excellent house manners complete the picture of the dog that does everything

Dave was benefitted with Buzz’s offspring, Freyja, who arrived in the United States in summer 2016. A “chip off the old block,” Freyja has matured and performed extremely well. She has been a pleasure to train. This training has been made easier by her extensive natural abilities. She has matched her sire in performance, completing all elements of bird hunting. She exhibits a classic straight back tail, and occasionally will lie down if the point is close to the bird—an instinct from years before guns when birds were taken with nets. She flushes on command, is steady to wing and shot, marks quite well, and consistently retrieves to hand. She achieved her AKC Junior Hunter title at one year, and easily earned her Senior Hunter title just before her third year. And she is a nice house dog though shoe insoles can quickly disappear

In recognition of Freyja’s uniqueness among American Gordon setters, we endeavor to establish a true Scandinavian breed line in the United States, Fairhair Gordon setters, named in honor of the early Norwegian Viking kings. We have bred Freyja to a well credentialed Norwegian dog, Snareheias Togo, who at two and a half years earned a first place and a second place in three trial outings, an impressive start by Norwegian standards and similar to Buzz’s performance at that age. The litter will whelp early August 2020 here at Shogun Kennels and puppies will be available mid-late October. As always, we are pleased to offer started and finished dog training programs.
The ideal candidate for ownership will be an avid bird hunter truly interested in the Gordon setter breed, and will be agreeable to limited registration rights to join us in further expanding this true Scandinavian line of hunting Gordon setters in the United States. Please contact me, or Dave Thomas (828.506.3979,